Tommy Walker Ministries – "Declaring the Gospel through Worship"


Updates & Events

TWM Songwriters Retreat 2023 | Del Mar, CA

We wanted to share with you how grateful and blessed we were to be able to hold our first TWM Songwriters Retreat this year at the beautiful city of Del Mar, California.

Throughout the retreat, we had the opportunity to equip and share our knowledge and experiences with a talented group of songwriters from different parts of the world.

During group sessions, we had the opportunity to collaborate and create new music together. The time spent with our fellow brothers and sisters in worship was also truly transformative.

But perhaps the most meaningful aspect of the retreat was the sense of community that was formed among us. We were able to connect with one another on a deeper level, and truly feel God’s presence during this retreat.

We are so thankful for the support of our TWM Partners for making this retreat a reality. We can’t wait to start planning the next one! In the meantime, we pray that the music and fellowship experienced at this year's retreat will continue to bless and inspire believers, and draw people closer to Jesus all around the world.



Tommy Walker & the TWM Team

Carlos Gallardo-Candia